Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin (2017 – 2018)- 56 ECTS
- Specialization: Teacher Education (Pedagogical/Psychological/Didactic/Methodical)
- GPA: 4.55/5
- University Specialist of Strategic Entrepreneurship, 60 ECTS
- Thesis: Leadership in Social Responsibility & Social Entrepreneurship
- GPA: 4.6/5
- Graduate Electrical Engineer (Industrial Electronics), 274 ECTS
- Thesis: Multichannel Receiver for Surface Electromyography
- GPA: 4.15/5
Awards: 1st (3x) & 3rd (3x) in County Mathematics Competitions (13-18 years)
2024 - DeepLearning.AI: Data Engineering -
Professional Certificate
2024 - DeepLearning.AI: Data Engineering -
Professional Certificate
Singularity University
Exponential Foundations Series – Online education about upcoming technologies and potentials - Udemy courses:
- LLM Fine Tuning on OpenAI
- LLMs with Google Cloud and Python
- Machine Learning on Google Cloud with AutoML and VertexAI
- Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification Course
- Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Course
- LangChain with Python Bootcamp
- Dart and Flutter 3 Bootcamp: Build Apps for Any Screen!
- OpenAI Python API Bootcamp: Learn to use AI, GPT, and more!
- Python for Deep Learning
- The complete SQL Bootcamp
- Math for Data Science Masterclass
- Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass
- Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp
- Tech Exploration: Raspberry PI Full Stack Raspbian
- Python for Data Structures and Algorithms
- Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3
- Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360
- The complete AutoCAD 2018-2020 course
- Other online educations:
Vector Databases, Building and Evaluating Advanced RAG, AI
Applications with Gradio, Open Source Models with Hugging Face,
LangChain, LlamaIndex, Unstructured data, Multi-AI agents frameworks
- Google Workshop:
- The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
Educational courses completed within the regional competence
- Universal Robots online education (e-Series: Core Track, Pro Track, Application Track)
- Education on didactic equipment for renewable energy sources (Gunt, Hera, Lexsolar) and automation (Lucas Nuelle)
- Leadership & Teacher education courses - in person
Croatian Chamber of Electrical Engineers (Membership status: on
Licensed Designer - Licensed Energy Certifier 2013-2016.
- Croatian: Native proficiency
- English: Advanced proficiency
- German: Advanced proficiency
- Development Environments & Version Control: Visual Studio Code, Cursor, Jupyter Notebook, Git/Github, Claude Sonnet 3.5
- Cloud Computing & Containerization: Google Cloud Platform(GCP), AWS, Firebase, Terraform, Docker
- Programming Languages: Python, Dart, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Embedded C++, Cypher
- AI/LLMs, Platforms & Frameworks: ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Open Source Models, LangChain, Llamaindex, HuggingFace, crewAI, Multi-AI-Agenten-Frameworks, LangGraph, LangSmith
- Data & Vectorbases: Firestore, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Weaviate, ChromaDB, Neo4j
- Data Engineering: ETL pipelines (batch and streaming), Prefect, GCP Workflows, Airflow, dbt, great expectations
- Data Science & ML: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SciKit-Learn, PyTorch
- Frontend & Backend Development Technologies: FastAPI, Flask, React (Joy UI), Flutter, Bootstrap
- APIs & Integrations: ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, REST APIs, WebSockets
- Hardware & Systems: Microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry PI, ESP8266)
- Design & Modeling: AutoCAD, Fusion 360, Cura
- Automation & Control: Siemens Logo, Lucas Nuelle's Labsoft, UR robots